Running out of time?

There's been a lot of glum faces amongts the Metal Detecting Tips Magazine contributors this week.
Why? I hear you ask.
Well, this is the time of year that us Relic Hunters will be seeing those large noisy machines once again in our fields!
Yes our farming friends will be out and about, working hard and planting their fields. Well I suppose they have to earn a living!
So this will mean for many of us that our fields will be out of commission for a few months. Wheat should be coming out in late July but what are we going to do until then.
Well personally my dear wife has a lot of ideas as to how I will be occupying my time over the summer months. As I write this she'll be busily preparing me a list of tasks to accomplish before my fields are open again. No doubt that'll including painting numerous things, gardening, cleaning things, rearranging and moving things and generally tidying up around the homestead.

However I've got another thing I'll be adding to that list... Beach metal detecting!
Believe it or not I've never actually taken my metal detector to the beach before, despite living within half an hour of several beaches. I prefer older, historical items to be honest. But I'll have a go this summer at trying to find some shiny things too! You never know. If it's a gold shiny thing I might even be able to treat myself to a new detector!

So I will do all of those other tasks on my list so that I can rush back out to the fields after the harvest with a clear conscience, a happy wife and an empty list.
What will you be doing over the summer months?